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As a professional agrologist Natalie has assessed land capability needed before, during and after land disturbance. Natalie has assessed soil quality, and weed occurrences for various land uses, particularly agricultural land and completed inspections of land quality during clearing, construction and reclamation and the associated land capability.
Natalie is passionate about our environment and land values. Based in Victoria, British Columbia she has been technically trained at five universities. She has over 30 years working on environmental mitigations and is happy to support teams from scope and implementation of field studies, to reclamation design, and quality review oversight. As a registered agrologist her listed areas of competency are reclamation, environmental assessment and soil and vegetation ecology.
Master's Certificate in Project Management
University of Victoria (2016)
Environmental Management Courses
University of Alberta (2002)
Masters of Science in Geography, Biogeochemistry
Simon Fraser University (1988)
Bachelor of Science, Geography and Environmental Science
University of Winnipeg (1996)
British Columbia Institute of Agrologists
Victoria & Islands Branch
2022 - President
2017 - Agrologist of the Year